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SNU Goes to Cactus!

We were blessed with the opportunity to have a team from Southern Nazarene University join us in ministry here in Cactus. This team was formed by students, staff members and even the President of the University. Together, they served in various projects such as cleaning, fixing a few things in our facility, as well as helping with BLAST and the Children & Families ministries. It is always so good when we get to host teams. Not only do they lend the extra hand in the projects, and bring resources, but they also encourage the staff of CNMC. They bring so much joy and laughter and remind us that the ministry of Christ is a global ministry, that we are part of this amazing family that God has brought together with the same common goal; to love our neighbors with the same love God loved us. So, thank you, not only to the SNU team, but to all of you who have come or send people our way. Thank you for being a source of encouragement and a big support for us here at CNMC.

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